About Moira Cooper
Moira Cooper comes to Camper & Nicholsons following a lifetime spent dedicated to the world of sailing. Her impressive CV reads racing on classic yachts in European classic regattas, five years cruising and racing worldwide on Mari-Cha III, as well as crossing the Atlantic and Pacific many times, racking up over 50,000 miles in global sailing.
Her love for sailing also encompasses yacht logistics and she enjoys nothing more than being on hand in the boat yard during refits. Learning about new build high-performance racing yachts and cruising yachts using new exciting technology to make them faster and lighter is what makes this sailor tick.
Moira speaks English and French and when not dedicating her time to the water, she can be found snowboarding and skating with her son. Her favourite place to visit is Arrow Town in New Zealand. Also adding surfing to her list of talents - a skill she acquired earlier in 2015.